FRIENDSHIP Youth5th-8th Grade
Meeting Times:
2nd and 4th Friday of each month at Nate and Rosanna Johnson's house at 5:30pm. At Friendship Youth, the Johnsons seek to welcome kids into their home and to disciple them by welcoming them into their lives, showing the love of Christ through hospitality. At each meeting kids can expect food, games, fun, a devotional message, and time for reflection in small groups. |
LOGOS Student Ministry
9th-12th Grade
Meeting Times:
1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at the church fellowship at 4:30pm. "We are a student ministry seeking to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly." At Logos Student Ministry, we seek to help students follow their Lord Jesus Christ by "let[ting] the word (logos) of Christ dwell richly in them" (Col. 3:16). At each meeting students can expect fun games, singing, a sermon, time for reflection in small groups, and a time of prayer. Contact Jonathan Price for more info: 843-312-2469 |